
Our Partners

The mission of the State Library of Ohio is to: Provide
access to information for Ohio's state government; Lead and partner
in the development of library services throughout Ohio; Enable
resource sharing among libraries and library networks; Provide
specialized services to Ohio's citizens


CTCNet is a network of more than 1000 community
technology centers where people in low-income communities gain access
to computers and computer-related technology, such as the Internet.
For more than ten years, CTCNet's mission has been to support community
technology centers so that they can better serve their constituencies.

OLN seeks to raise the overall educational attainment for all Ohioans
by expanding access to learning opportunities; assisting colleges
and universities in their capacity and effectiveness to use technology
in instruction; supporting leading-edge activities and facilitating
partnerships and collaborations among higher education, schools,
business and industry, and local communities




Gary Lambert, Executive Director

Ohio Community Computing Network

274 E. First Ave. Columbus, OH 43201

Phone: (614) 644-6932

Fax: (614) 728-3521
